Not considered writing...?

Linked below is a short Pew survey ppt surveying teen (12-17 y.o.) use of writing in school work compared to its use in social networking and other online activities. It’s […]

Stephanie Vie is making a strong case for peeking over the wall between the LMS as acceptable tech medium for student learning, and social networking sites — deemed by many […]

This article touches on subjects discussed at the recent adjunct dinner. In addition to intermittent positive reinforcement, the article presents “shaping,” which sounds a lot like scaffolding. Less than 2 […]

L Cooper has contributed (thank you!): I’ve been correcting compositions for eons, and sometimes I have adopted techniques to make correcting simpler that I forgot over time. Here’s the one […]

There was a meeting of faculty interested in WAC on February 17th. This is an ongoing conversation at BCC. Some of the resources the group has used in the past […]