teaching and learning

Blogging to Improve Student Learning

“Most universities press their faculty to add technology to their classroom by adopting the Learning Management System—Blackboard, Moodle, etc. This is a mistake. Faculty often end up spending hours learning […]

Discipline-Based Assessment Workshop Announcement “Dialogues in the Disciplines,” takes place March 26th at UMass Amherst DDPRSheet10.pdf (application/pdf Object) Posted using ShareThis

A professor wrote in the Chronicle of Higher Ed: I have this class that only enrolled about 20 students last spring.  So, as i re-prep the same class for this […]


Harvard Professor Ellen Langer has been talking about mindful learning for three decades. She is now applying her mindfulness research to the question of aging brains and bodies. Her new […]

A Babson history prof compares her American students with her foreign students. She sees a stark contrast in preparation, time management, and class behavior… does this sound familiar to you? […]