student learning

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An exciting prospect for a student team project, check the link below! Social Entreprenurial Student Leadership – USSESL Posted using ShareThis

Relevance of competencies

Core competencies, anyone? The Association of American Colleges and Universities recently asked employers who hire at least 25 percent of their workforce from two- or four-year colleges what they want […]

SNS = social networking site, like Facebook, MySpace, etc. As I contemplate using a Ning social networking module in a Blackboard-based course this Spring, I decided it might be a […]

A Babson history prof compares her American students with her foreign students. She sees a stark contrast in preparation, time management, and class behavior… does this sound familiar to you? […]

This is a short write-up from the Globe. It show some evidence that a high-carb/low fat diet could support  serotonin levels, especially in women. Other evidence is also mentioned about […]

Not considered writing...?

Linked below is a short Pew survey ppt surveying teen (12-17 y.o.) use of writing in school work compared to its use in social networking and other online activities. It’s […]

Stephanie Vie is making a strong case for peeking over the wall between the LMS as acceptable tech medium for student learning, and social networking sites — deemed by many […]

Interesting… “For example, in focus groups, students consistently say that colleges should eliminate online orientation, which they criticize as “impersonal,” but they reliably applaud online tutoring. Why? It is difficult […]