stress management

Summer Reading on the Human Mind

The New England Faculty Development Consortium Exchange, Spring 2010, includes a great list of readings about the Human Mind, put together by G. Christian Jernstedt: humanmind

Here are some tips from Ferris State University (Source: Ways of Dealing with Disruptive Students Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance (V. Ruggerio)—most of the […]

This is a short write-up from the Globe. It show some evidence that a high-carb/low fat diet could support  serotonin levels, especially in women. Other evidence is also mentioned about […]

If you haven’t visited the CTL lately, peek in the door, turn left, and take advantage of the range of tip sheets there. The tips include: creating and marking up […]

“Currently, 40 percent of all first-time freshmen begin their postsecondary careers in community colleges, the great majority of them intending eventually to complete a bachelor’s degree. But along the way […]

“Speed is the form of ecstasy the technological revolution has bestowed on man.” “Civilization in a Rush,” by Milan Kundera, Queen’s Quarterly, Saturday, September 22 2001

Feeling Overloaded? This is a great short piece on tips and strategies for avoiding overload (or vowing not to repeat the same thing in the Spring!)