About Eportfolios
Tim Dalton has written a thoughtful post on eportfolios. Now that eportfolios have reached some level of maturity, institutions that have adopted them encounter some definitional issues. If your institution […]
Tim Dalton has written a thoughtful post on eportfolios. Now that eportfolios have reached some level of maturity, institutions that have adopted them encounter some definitional issues. If your institution […]
It seems that Infographics are sprouting like proverbial fungi around the Internet lately. COMMENTS PLEASE: How have you used, or could you see using, infographics in the classroom? The godfather […]
Created by Knewton and Column Five Media
The CTL hosted the Fourth Title III Summer Institute on Aug 23-24 on campus. Twenty-one BCC faculty and staff and one guest from STCC attended the session. Our workshop leader […]
From the Moodle News site, a table with links for Moodle mobile apps that have been reviewed (on the far right). I am using Mbot for Android, and so far […]
Rich in information! Created by Knewton and Column Five Media
A quick read of the action steps from their Accessibility committee: – Hiring an IT Accessibility coordinator – Captioning Youtube and other video materials – Routinely running accessibility checks on […]
Took me a few minutes to find the link to the Remote-Learner Moodle site (look under help). Some valuable sessions here for Thu and Fri, 6/23-24. May be archives later. […]
A “MOOC” is a massively open online course, which is structured so that anyone can access and participate in the course from either inside or outside the institution offering it. […]
I have posted some KA videos before in this blogspace, but this resource bears pointing out again. Mr. Khan created some algebra videos to help out his cousins back in […]