Teaching Resources

This article touches on subjects discussed at the recent adjunct dinner. In addition to intermittent positive reinforcement, the article presents “shaping,” which sounds a lot like scaffolding. Less than 2 […]

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Here is a another in the series of Common Craft’s short youtube videos that explain key technologies. Now that BCC students have Google email “gmail,” it might be time to […]

A small group met in the CTL Wednesday to discuss aspects of “web 2.0” technologies and their pedagogical uses. We discussed the various uses of blogs, wikis, and email groups. […]

Some interesting tips via video on flip video, wikis, and educational games: http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid9958061001?bctid=1877562263

You may have noticed that in the right column of the blog is a area known as a “tag cloud.” The tags are keywords that represent the content of each […]

What new technology would you like to know about?? Come to T&L 2.0, ask your questions, and together we can explore! On October 20, a small group experimented in the […]

A very concise version for quick classroom feedback: minutepaper