Teaching Resources

Clickers and Peer Instruction

If you are interested in clickers, please ck out this resource from Harvard. Physics Professor Eric Mazur is a lead user of clickers, and has developed best practices for peer […]

Reading for the Break?

Kevin Kelly is one of the founders of Wired Magazine, and child of the 1990s Internet boom. He has written an interesting book, What Technology Wants, written from the point […]

I am piloting the audio feed service from odiogo.com. This can provide enhanced accessibility for visually impaired readers through a feed service that “reads” each of your posts. You can […]

5 Analog Tools ...

Here’s Prof Hacker’s list. Click the link below to read the comments – they are delightful! A one-serving coffee press A black ink pen A small notebook A paper gradebook […]

NBC has organized their video and primary source archives of news stories under discipline topics for higher ed. This appears to be a great resource for topic-specific reporting. They also […]