Teaching & Learning

Make It So?

Those who were fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Captain Jean Luc Picard may remember that his crew would sometimes comment on his quaint habit of reading books. Well, […]

weir13 / Instant Mentor – Inside Higher Ed Shared via AddThis

L Cooper has contributed (thank you!): I’ve been correcting compositions for eons, and sometimes I have adopted techniques to make correcting simpler that I forgot over time. Here’s the one […]

Tuesday, September 22 Teaching & Learning 2.0 breakfast kickoff meeting, 8:00am – 9:00am, CTL Join in for a series of breakfast meetings (Coffee and Carbs provided) in the CTL this […]

Well, Magna Pubs has their expert, who gives a qualified yes (see link below). My opinion? I would not advise it. I suppose if you set up a separate profile […]

Professional Day Sep 09 Evaluation

This evaluation showed quite an interesting mixture of opinions. Most attendees liked the presentations by colleagues, but a significant minority would have preferred an outside speaker. Many noted the small […]

The Worcester Consortium offers a college teaching certificate and individual courses in college teaching. These courses are eligible for graduate credit through Clark University. Many of the courses are fully […]

Some industrious Harvard students have gathered up clips of popular movies that explore Math! Check it out: http://www.math.harvard.edu/~knill/mathmovies/index.html