SNS = social networking site, like Facebook, MySpace, etc.
As I contemplate using a Ning social networking module in a Blackboard-based course this Spring, I decided it might be a good idea to see what research, if any, exists on the educational value of using social networking sites. Lois C. has presented on her creative uses of social networking, and learning management systems are increasingly adapting their interfaces to incorporate Web 2.0 features, such as blogs and wikis. Clearly many people feel there is value there.
As we saw in an earlier post, the Community College Survey of Student Engagement is inviting colleges to consider these interactive “connection” technologies in engaging students. Ok, so here’s an oft-referenced U. of Indiana article on SNSs and what they have found out. Happy reading (it has a handy section jump box on the upper left, so that you can look at which sections of the article appeal to you):