This post begins a series exploring how WordPress (hosted by Edublogs for BCC) can serve as a student eportfolio. This post describes three justifications for considering a blog platform for […]

Select the navigation item above to access curriculum examples, app guides, and other resources from BCC’s Mobile Initiative.

Dissect the Human Body Use Skeleton 3D Anatomy or SkeletalHD to examine the a person’s skeleton. Then, students can use body specifics app, such as 3D brain, 3D4Medical’s Images, Pocket […]

Inside Higher Ed has published a good review of “where we are now,” and makes a relevant linkage to the hype cycle‘s Peak of Inflated Expectations concerning MOOCs: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2013/07/09/higher-ed-leaders-urge-slow-down-mooc-train

This video is from a K-12 Math class, but in 3 minutes, makes the point. One can easily see how flipping and a hybrid course would dovetail well. Spend 3 […]