If you are interested in open educational resources, you may join this webinar TODAY at 3pm, no cost, and you don’t need to be working on the TAA grant. Here is the login link:
About OPEN:
The Open Professionals Education Network (OPEN) will provide free support and technical assistance to all grantees of the $2 billion Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College & Career Training (TAACCCT) grant program from the U.S. Department of Labor. For information about TAACCCT, visit http://www.doleta.gov/taaccct.
OPEN will help grantees meet the provisions laid out in the solicitation for grant applications, including the CC BY open licensing requirement. OPEN services will be provided by Creative Commons (CC), Carnegie Mellon’s Open Learning Initiative (OLI), Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) and the Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges (SBCTC), which have individual but complementary areas of expertise in openness and the design of educational resources. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has recognized this expertise by funding OPEN for three years to coincide with the first wave of the TAACCCT grant.