This Pearson survey (Pearson the publisher), “Pearson Foundation Survey on Students and Tablets,” provides some interesting data on students who own tablets already, and also what students are thinking about tablets:
P. C. writes:
It would be interesting to know how students use the tablets as textbooks as opposed to how they use books. Do they highlight? Do they read titles and headings and skim? Do they rely on memory? Do they take notes? Are there courses/tutoring on study methods for a digital text as there are for studying with a hard copy text?
tablets as textbooks can be highlighted; can be bookmarked; have identical pages as in textbooks with indices; sticky notes can be used; students must use the “books” the same way they do with the hard copy texts. I find CourseSmart as a textbook site very useful as a teacher but courseCompass (a Pearson site) has many useful tools other than as just an e-text – homework help, etc.
I found a useful tool in the free pdf notes available as an app.