June 2010

More on the brain, multitasking, and dopamine. Your Brain on Computers – Attached to Technology and Paying a Price – NYTimes.com.

“Just like the GED offered some middle ground between a high school dropout and someone who completed high school, colleges need to offer something for the millions of college dropouts. […]

By the end of June, we will have policies, insurance, etc. in place for the iPads. Between now and then, please check out the following if you have “iPad fever”: […]

Behold the Twinkie!

BCC Nursing Instructor Mary A. has challenged her Nutrition students to make a prediction: what will an unwrapped, unrefrigerated twinkie look like at the end of the semester? What’s YOUR […]

Evaluation of the 2010 Summer Institute

Thank you, everyone who attended “Igniting Learning: Brain-Based Strategies for Student Success” last week. The evaluation summary is below, with your comments: SI2010eval