Researchers in the UK studied 3000+ children 9-16 y.o., and found that those who use social networking tools have higher levels of literacy: “And what about the “LOL OMG c […]

This is the first use of Twitter in higher ed that I have seen that makes any sense. The idea excites me.. read on, just a couple of paragraphs. Wired […]

Not considered writing...?

Linked below is a short Pew survey ppt surveying teen (12-17 y.o.) use of writing in school work compared to its use in social networking and other online activities. It’s […]

Stephanie Vie is making a strong case for peeking over the wall between the LMS as acceptable tech medium for student learning, and social networking sites — deemed by many […]

Interesting… “For example, in focus groups, students consistently say that colleges should eliminate online orientation, which they criticize as “impersonal,” but they reliably applaud online tutoring. Why? It is difficult […]

BCC has completed the CCSSE survey for the second time this year. Below is the link to the executive summary, which looks at trends in engagement across the hundreds of […]