November 2009

Six faculty gathered in the CTL on November 5th to participate in a discussion led by Chris L. on Assessment. The session was interactive and informative. Here are some notes […]

If faculty put lectures online, will students stop coming to class? News: Fans and Fears of ‘Lecture Capture’ – Inside Higher Ed Posted using ShareThis

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Here is a another in the series of Common Craft’s short youtube videos that explain key technologies. Now that BCC students have Google email “gmail,” it might be time to […]

‘We are pleased to present this very topical issue of the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL) on openness. Notions of open scholarship, open access publication, […]

This article by Alina Tugend of the New York Times was written for the workplace, but classroom application works as well: “Here’s an example of how the generations may butt […]

This presentation is from the current Educause conference taking place in Denver. To view the presentation, you have to download MS Silverlight, but it’s quick:  

A small group met in the CTL Wednesday to discuss aspects of “web 2.0” technologies and their pedagogical uses. We discussed the various uses of blogs, wikis, and email groups. […]

Some interesting tips via video on flip video, wikis, and educational games: