More from CCSSE report


“For example, in focus groups, students consistently say that colleges should eliminate online orientation, which they criticize as “impersonal,” but they reliably applaud online tutoring. Why? It is difficult for a virtual orientation to create a genuine sense of connection to a college. For example, a virtual tour shows a campus in a way students taking on-campus courses will never use it: Students will never eat in a virtual cafeteria or park in a virtual parking lot.
Online tutoring, however, is simply another mechanism for delivering the same service provided by face-to-face tutoring. It involves a one-on-one connection with a real person, facilitated by technology. Students do the same work (revisions to a paper, for example) that they would do if they were meeting their tutors in person.”


  1. Makes sense.

    Assuming that students aren’t offended by the online orientation, however, that resource surely helps some; whether it is cost-efficent to create such online orientations, given these findings, may be doubtful.

    Great-looking site, Dori!

  2. Thanks Tom and thank you for commenting on the blog!

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