March 30, 2009

A Flip Video workshop was led by Kathy Kessler, English Adjunct, and Dori Digenti on February 9th. We discovered that the flip video is even better than we thought: the […]

This workshop has been offered twice in March 2009. The groups have heard about the functions and differences between blogs and wikis, and practiced setting up their own blogs. Below […]

There was a meeting of faculty interested in WAC on February 17th. This is an ongoing conversation at BCC. Some of the resources the group has used in the past […]

On February 12th, 2009, Math faculty member Nancy Zuber shared with a group of faculty and staff some of the methods she’s developed for teaching Math using Smartboard. These methods […]

Eighty full-time faculty and staff gathered on February 24, 2009 to explore the theme of Faculty advising. Our Guest Speaker was Colleen Doherty from Quinsigamond Community College, who introduced us […]