Healthy Reading:
Staying Fit to Help Lower Your Risk of Anxiety and Depression (November 2020) click here
Three Traits that Breed Hopelessness and Five Ways to Create Hope (October 2020) click here
How the Pandemic Forced Mental Health Therapy to Change for the Better and Helped Further the Need for Tele-Therapy: Opinion Vox (September 2020) click here
Community Outreach Programs:
“Working with our Neighbors for a Healthier Berkshires”. Berkshire Health Systems (BHS) Community Outreach programs provide health screenings and education, wellness coaching and appropriate clinical and social service referrals. Additionally, BHS Community Outreach professionals can provide specific health topic presentations, and wellness classes. Please call to learn about having these services interpreted for non-English speakers.
The Community Outreach Programs, in collaboration with other BHS departments and/or community partners, provide blood pressure screening, wellness education and health coaching at local organizations. For the link to the BHS Community Outreach Programs click here